Sean Frost Music

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A New Home

  Wuddup Gang!?

       It's been a minute since I've given y'all an update on how things are going so I figured right now is as good of a time as any to get you caught up to speed.
      Well first and foremost you've probably noticed that you are now at a new address. I have moved the blog to as I feel that the name is totally fitting for the blog. With that being said, there is no need to stress on what happened to, I have had a new site created to cater to Soundclick users. I know I know, I have always been against having my beats available for lease and truthfully I was never really that interested in being apart of Soundclick. However, the dilemma I have been faced with over the last few years is that there are many artists out there that want to record on something original but simply can't afford to buy my exclusive rights. So I decided to make myself available to everyone and if any records are purchased exclusively, then I will remove that record off of the market. I figure not only will I help out artists with smaller budgets but my site traffic will increase drastically. Essentially it's just another weapon added to my arsenal. Ultimately we all have the same goal right?...getting good music out there and being compensated for your work. So other than getting these sites set up and switched around, it's been business as usual. I've been back in the lab with rapper Odean which has been good. I'll keep y'all posted on his progress.

      On another flex, my dude Niko Doughski  just released a video which is heating up the streets not just in my city right now so be sure to check it out. As a matter of fact here's the link so you can peep it now.

I think the video was really well done but you decide for yourself...and yes, yours truly makes a little cameo in the video. haha

      Anyway I'm just off to the lab now to meet Odean and see what he's got cooking, but now that the sites are up and good to go expect to see a lot more of me. Also be sure to check to hear new records available for lease but encouraged for purchase! haha 

     Oh and before I forget, I want to take a second to remember my buddy Chris Powell. Another year has gone by but you will never be forgotten my friend. Honestly one of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Life is short...Life is precious. Catch y'all on the flipside.

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