Sean Frost Music

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Let Loose

     What's Good Gang!?

         I'll tell you guys I have been so focused on music lately that I've realized I haven't really done anything exciting for a minute. I guess that's not such a bad thing with it being Winter and all but in any case tonight I think I'm a link up with the Fam and hit the town...even in this blizzard. It's my dude Leprechaun's birthday tonight so it's definitely on. I'll try and get some pics to show you guys how it went. You know what the funny thing is? It's unless your going out with girls, guys never bring a camera to take any pictures. We could be having the time of our lives and not only would we not remember any of it in the morning, but we would have no classic pictures to try and refresh our memories! #BringingaCameraTonightOnlyToProbablyLoseIt

        So Let me fill you guys in a little bit on The Sean Frost Story. (that of course being my life) I have been feeling very motivated lately on creating music that no one is really making. Obviously I've been making some street records and mainstream records but the majority of my time has been spent on really trying to find my niche in this music industry. Over the last couple of weeks I've been feeling really good about the music coming out of here so we'll now see what my Reps can do for me! I believe I've got a jump to Toronto coming up in a couple of weeks for a shoot followed by a little R&R in New York a couple of weeks later. I'm definitely looking forward to both of those little trips right there!

         Well...time to run! I'm looking out the window right now and my city is finally getting hit with this snow. We all knew it would come sooner or later but there was always that little bit of hope right? (Obviously not talking to all my Snow Boarders/ Skiers) Ok well I'm seriously leaving. Bye. 

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